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  • Thank you.

    By B at 70...
    I experienced such a journey with my beloved husband Roy Scheider after 19 years of marriage. Paul said it all with determination and grace. I never knew him, but I do now. Rest in peace dear man. Brenda Siemer
  • Simply amazing

    By Smitty_Felicia
    I remember reading snippets of this book in school but reading it now from front page to back page I loved it. Morality is not a simple concept to grasp let alone explain but the work poured into this book brings you face to face with it and how it can affect you. Amazing.
  • A gorgeous

    By Whim1954
    and bittersweet story. I’ve read it several times and enjoyed it every time.
  • When Breath Becomes Air.

    By Red2184
    A wonderful story about a a loving couple. Would make a great movie. Tugs at one’s heart and consciousness.
  • Crisp and beautiful.

    By ian.tylerr
    So compelling, I read it in one long sitting.
  • Moving

    By JBPMD
    A great read. Inspiring. Moving. A must read for every healthcare provider.
  • Beautiful

    By Zainsey
    Long overdue read, but I finally finished this book. Feeling heavy and privileged to learn about the perspective of a neurosurgeon’s transition into a cancer patient. Prayers for the family and loved ones that undoubtedly miss the author, Paul Kalanithi. A good read. Highly recommend for anyone really. We all need perspective about the value of life.
  • Absolutely stunning

    By Readyforriding
    This was a book I know I’ll return to again. It is heartbreaking in the most beautiful way.
  • Sad but great.

    By Brad1996!!
    A beautifully written book describing what it feels like to sit on the precipice between life / death, doctor / patient, actor / object. This piece also provides unique perspective on how to face your own mortality with reason and grace, focusing on living, not dying… even when the odds are not in your favor.
  • Favorite

    By Podcast187
    One of my favorite books of all time. Will be a bookshelf staple forever.