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  • Enlightening on EVERY level❤️

    By thebookfairynyc
    Packed with historical anecdotes to illustrate the points being made, dives into deep psychology within humans helping you to maneuver, improve yourself, your interactions with others, and how to pinpoint, understand, and deal with different types of individuals. Changed my outlook on so many things 5/5
  • A platform for the dissolution of fear and social anxiety

    By madskilllz16
    A compelling collection of anecdotal lessons throughout history that allow our purview of reality to encompass a more fully fledged vantage point behind that of our own eyes by dissolving of the normal preprogramed and in born egotism and assimilating our piece of reality by plugging into the collective unconscious that has solutions to every conceivable question, even that of life and death and the meaning of each therein.
  • Humans will be humans.

    By blankface56
    Very helpful. I highly recommend.
  • Great

    By Tristian Ford
  • Everyone should read this book.....

    By Lumberjack Bear
    With all sincerity...I have never read a book more spot-on than this one. This book will help you understand the interactions you have with others around you. But more importantly it will help you to better understand yourself and the roles you play everyday. However the real gift of reading this book is the increased self awareness it offers. It gives you a peek behind the curtain to really see the person who seems to know all the right buttons to push and the mental motivations that seem to spur them on. And instead of being a blind unconsciously manipulated participant in someone's never ending drama. You become an observer who has gained the unique ability to gaze inside another's psyche with sharpened insight and rationality. And that my friend gives you what we are all searching for ......real peace of mind.
  • Great book!

    By TrughHephner
    Great book, very insightful very helpful especially the last chapter and the chapter on humans having a hive mentality
  • Amazing Book!

    By Cdiddypop
    This book is amazing. It will blow your mind.

    A good book anyone should take their time to read and actually pay attention to the knowledge in it !
  • Amazing!

    By juanda:)
    Amazing overview of life, humans, and reasons.
  • Wonderful

    By LydsPM