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  • Grateful.

    By ychris625
    — precious
  • Valuable Book

    By Bass/Guitar Man
    This book has valuable insights, especially his analysis of the Mentor - Protégé relationship. Great practical insight for those who desire to master any skill or life. I will give this a second read, for sure.
  • Essential

    By DEE 1816
    Great read for those actively taking steps to better themselves.
  • Great book

    By Morenom_k
    So many gems and always learn something new after picking up the book son
  • No POWER, yet Another fine R.Greene offering.

    By £upin
    Volumes of pages were used in laying out examples of “Mastery”. Less energy was applied toward Advising the reader how to re-direct his own personal circumstances in relation to the many examples of “Mastery” given. That said, I gleaned many helpful and valuable ‘Pearls of Wisdom’ from this book.
  • A great book

    By Mhamsad
    This book is really good and deserves to be read.
  • Transcendent

    By Ificantsellitillsitonit
    Changed my life, I had never heard words put together in this way before and it was profound.
  • Very nice one

    By Ranzelanz
    Very nice book, a good read for those of us who need a bit of inspiration and to believe in themselves. A lot of us forget or discard the fact that we might have unique talents that need to be developed and used in order to us to flourish, this books helps you exploit and make the best of your talents.
  • Wow!!!

    By Loco15
    Just Amazing, I love Robert Greene. Thank you for this great book.
  • Mastery

    By @Casamiala
    I love reading Robert Greene’s insightful perspective on the human mind. I’ve encounterd Buddhism in 1994 and so much of this book relates to my understanding of the philosophy of Buddhism. In that, the mind fluctuates and is constantly in motion. It is only when we focus and make a determination, and difficult goals, the cerebral cortex gets into high gear and allows it’s 16 billion neurons to move into aligning its neurons to connect and gets us into high gear and fixes problems, comes up with solutions, high-tales us into motion and gets what we want done. Mia in Los Angeles.