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  • Don't stop now!

    By mr.brandonsommer
    Who's behind it? Whats really going on? Come on! Keep going... Also, a dollar should get me more than this a week. 13 was the longest by far and it wasn't even that much. Pretty soon I'm going to be paying $50 for a Scalzi novel. Come on, Scalzi! Surely you can treat your readers better than that.
  • very very unsatisfying ending

    By whatever_whatever
    After 13 week of being doled out dribs and drabs of the story, we finally get to the end... and nothing is resolved. NOT. ONE. THING. I don't have a problem with cliff hangers in general, but usually there is some sort of plot resolution or character development that gives a reader some resolution. But this Human Division series turned out to be slow torture. First, we are forced to wait for each installment, the when we get to the end, we discover it was basically pointless. Feels like a cruel ploy to sell a sequel. Shame on you Scalzi. Shame. Shame. Shame.