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Biographies and Memoirs
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By Elena Ferrante
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Biographies & Memoirs
© 2018 der Hörverlag
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Elena Ferrante
More by Elena Ferrante
My Brilliant Friend (The Neapolitan Novels)
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The Lying Life of Adults (Unabridged)
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The Story of a New Name (The Neapolitan Novels)
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The Story of the Lost Child (The Neapolitan Novels)
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Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay (The Neapolitan Novels)
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L'amica geniale: Libro primo
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The Lost Daughter
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The Days of Abandonment
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Storia del nuovo cognome: L'amica geniale 2
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Storia di chi fugge e di chi resta: L'amica geniale 3
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Incidental Inventions
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La niña perdida (Dos amigas 4)
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Storia della bambina perduta: L'amica geniale 4
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La amiga estupenda (Dos amigas 1)
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In the Margins: On the Pleasures of Reading and Writing
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La vida mentirosa de los adultos
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La vita bugiarda degli adulti
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Troubling Love
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Las deudas del cuerpo (Dos amigas 3)
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Un mal nombre (Dos amigas 2)
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L'amore molesto
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El amor molesto
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La figlia oscura
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I giorni dell'abbandono
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Los días del abandono
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L'amie prodigieuse (Tome 1)
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Meine geniale Freundin
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L'amie prodigieuse (Tome 2) - Le nouveau nom
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La invención ocasional
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Frantumaglia: A Writer’s Journey
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La vie mensongère des adultes
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La hija oscura
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The Beach at Night
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L'amie prodigieuse (Tome 3) - Celle qui fuit et celle qui reste
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A filha perdida (Unabridged)
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Cei care pleacă și cei ce rămân
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Prietena mea genială
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En los márgenes
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Meine geniale Freundin - Das Hörspiel
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Die Geschichte des verlorenen Kindes
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Die Geschichte der getrennt Wege
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Die Geschichte eines neuen Namens
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Fiica ascunsă
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Povestea noului nume
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L'amor que molesta
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Geniální přítelkyně II.: Příběh nového jména
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Viața mincinoasă a adulților
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Die Geschichte eines neuen Namens - Das Hörspiel
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Geniální přítelkyně IV.: Příběh ztracené holčičky
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