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The Tao Te Ching
By Joseph Lumpkin & Lao Tzu
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Religion & Spirituality
© 2019 Joseph Lumpkin
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The Tao Te Ching
Joseph Lumpkin & Lao Tzu
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The Books of Enoch: The Angels, The Watchers and The Nephilim: With Extensive Commentary (Unabridged)
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The Apocrypha: The Complete Volume: Including the Books of Enoch, Jubilees, and Jasher (Unabridged)
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The Book of Giants: The Watchers, Nephilim, and the Book of Enoch (Unabridged)
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The Apocryphon of John: A Gnostic Gospel (Unabridged)
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The Books of Enoch, The Book of Giants: The Enochian Library: 1 Enoch, 2 Enoch, 3 Enoch, The Manichean and Aramaic Book of Giants, with Information on Watchers, Grigori, Angels and Enoch's Calendar (Unabridged)
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The Books of Enoch and The Book of Giants: Featuring 1, 2, and 3 Enoch with the Aramaic and Manichean Versions of the Book of Giants (Unabridged)
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The Ultimate Book of Fallen Angels, Watchers, Giants, the Nephilim and the Books of Enoch (Unabridged)
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The Upanishads (Unabridged)
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The Gateless Gate (Unabridged)
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The Book of Enoch: A Complete Guide and Reference (Unabridged)
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The War Scroll: The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness: History, Symbols, Texts, and Commentary (Unabridged)
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The Books of Maccabees: Containing the Books of 1, 2, 3, and 4 Maccabees (Unabridged)
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The Negro Bible: The Slave Bible: Select Parts of the Holy Bible Selected for the Use of the Negro Slaves of the British West-India Islands (Unabridged)
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The Gospel of Peter and The Apocalypse of Peter: Books the Church Left Behind (Unabridged)
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Enoch and Jubilees: Banned from the Bible (Unabridged)
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The Apostolic Fathers, Martyrs in Christ: The Writings of Justin Martyr, Ignatius, Polycarp, Clement, Papias, and the Didache (Unabridged)
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The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas: Wholeness, Enlightenment, and Individuation (Unabridged)
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The Gnostic Scriptures: History, Theology, and the Sacred Feminine (Unabridged)
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The Gateless Gate: Sacred Writings of Zen Buddhism
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The Life of Saint Issa, Best of the Sons of Man: The Missing Years of Jesus and His Travels in the East (Unabridged)
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The Gnostic New Testament and Jewels from Nag Hammadi (Unabridged)
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A History of God: Elohim, Yahweh, and Allah (Unabridged)
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The Books of Enoch: The Angels, The Watchers and The Nephilim: (With Extensive Commentary on the Three Books of Enoch, the Fallen Angels, the Calendar of Enoch, and Daniel's Prophecy)
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The Gospel of Barnabas (Unabridged)
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The Gospel of Peter with History and Commentary (Unabridged)
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Los Libros de 1 y 2 Enoc [The Books of 1 and 2 Enoch]: Los Ángeles, Los Vigilantes y Los Nefilim (con un comentario sobre los libros de Enoc, los ángeles caídos, el calendario de Enoc, y La Profecía de Daniel) (Unabridged)
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The Pentateuch from the Septuagint - The First Five Books of the Greek Old Testament (Unabridged)
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The Tao Te Ching
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El Libro de Enoc [The Book of Enoch]: Los Ángeles, los Vigilantes y los Nefilim (con un extenso comentario sobre el Primer Libro de Enoc, los Angeles Caídos, el Calendario de Enoc y La Profecía de Daniel) (Unabridged)
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El libros de Enoc, Jubileos, y Jaser [The Books of Enoch, Jubilees, and Jasher]: Los Ángeles, Los Vigilantes y Los Nefilim (Unabridged)
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Los Evangelios Gnósticos [The Gnostic Gospels]: que contiene los Evangelios Gnósticos de Felipe, María Magdalena, Tomás, Judas y el apócrifo de Juan. (Unabridged)
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Esaias, the Septuagint Version in English: The Sir Lancelot C. L. Brenton 1851 Translation, Introduction by Joseph Lumpkin (Unabridged)
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Balancing the Spirit: The Gateless Gate and the Tao Te Ching (Unabridged)
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The First Apocalypse of James and the Second Apocalypse of James with Notes and Commentary (Unabridged)
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The Akhmim Fragment: Containing the Gospel of Peter, the Revelation of Peter, and the Book of Enoch (Unabridged)
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Nine Books of the Apocalypse: The Apocalypse of Peter, Abraham, Elijah, Paul, Adam, 1 James, 2 James, Thomas, and the Apocryphon of John (Unabridged)
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Twelve Books of the Apocalypse: Including the Apocalypse of Peter, Abraham, Elijah, Paul, Adam, 1st James, 2nd James, Thomas, the Apocryphon of John, Coptic Peter, Thun (Unabridged)
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Wisdom and Comfort from the Bible (Septuagint Version) (Unabridged)
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The Story of Ahikar (Unabridged)
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The Sacred Feminine: Searching for the Hidden Face of God (Unabridged)
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