Fifty Shades of Nature: 50 of the best poems about all things nature
By John Clare, Gerard Manley Hopkins, William Blake, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, W. B. Yeats, William Shakespeare, Stephen Crane, Katherine Mansfield, Henry David Thoreau, Sara Teasdale, George Eliot & Tagore
John Clare, Gerard Manley Hopkins, William Blake, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, W. B. Yeats, William Shakespeare, Stephen Crane, Katherine Mansfield, Henry David Thoreau, Sara Teasdale, George Eliot & Tagore
More by John Clare, Gerard Manley Hopkins, William Blake, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, W. B. Yeats, William Shakespeare, Stephen Crane, Katherine Mansfield, Henry David Thoreau, Sara Teasdale, George Eliot & Tagore
Sara Teasdale, Rudyard Kipling, Kahlil Gibran, Henry David Thoreau, Wilfred Owen, Alfred Lord Tennyson, William Shakespeare, John Clare, Paul Laurence Dunbar & Vachel Lindsay
William Shakespeare, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Emily Dickinson, John Clare, Katherine Mansfield, Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Seymour Bridges, Sara Teasdale, Thomas Hardy, Victor Hugo & Wu Zao
Thomas Hardy, G.K. Chesterton, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Ben Jonson, Emily Dickinson, John Clare, John Milton, Robert Herrick, Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Southwell, Sara Teasdale, W.B. Yeats & William Makepeace Thackeray
William Wordsworth, John Clare, Katherine Mansfield, William Morris, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Emily Dickinson, John Keats, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Amy Levy, Amy Lowell, Alfred Lord Tennyson, William Blake & Walt Whitman
John Clare, Gerard Manley Hopkins, William Blake, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, W. B. Yeats, William Shakespeare, Stephen Crane, Katherine Mansfield, Henry David Thoreau, Sara Teasdale, George Eliot & Tagore
William Shakespeare, Christina Rossetti, John Ford, James Madison Bell, William Cowper, John Boyle O'Reilly, James Weldon Johnson, Hafiz, John Keats, James Elroy Flecker, Rainer Maria Rilke, D. H. Lawrence, John Clare, Edmund Waller, W. B. Yeats, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Sara Teasdale, Ella Wheeler Wilcox & Paul Laurence Dunbar
William Blake, Robert Browning, Christina Georgina Rossetti, John Keats, William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, George Gordon Byron, Charlotte Smith, A. E. Housman, John Dryden, John Clare & Percy Bysshe Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley, Thomas Chatterton, Edna St. Vincent Millay, John Clare, Wilfred Owen, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert Burns, Francis Ledwidge, Radclyffe Hall, Alexander Pope, Alice Meynell, Ben Jonson & Anne Wharton
John Clare, Ivor Gurney, Alfred Austin, Charles Sorley, Christina Georgina Rossetti, Edward Thomas, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Radclyffe Hall, Robert Seymour Bridges, Rudyard Kipling, Thomas Hardy & William Wordsworth
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Michael Drayton, Alfred Austin, Alice Meynell, Edmund Waller, George Meredith, George Peele, John Clare, Michael Field & Tagore
John Clare, Hafiz, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Robert Browning, Christina Georgina Rossetti, William Shakespeare, Robert Louis Stevenson, Rainer Maria Rilke, William Wordsworth, Jonathan Swift, Wilfred Owen, Emily Dickinson & A. E. Housman
William Wordsworth, George Eliot, Charlotte Smith, Emily Dickinson, Francis Ledwidge, John Clare, John Keats, Katherine Mansfield, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Phyllis Wheatley & Willa Cather