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Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things (Unabridged)
By Adam Grant
Release Date:
Business & Personal Finance
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Hidden Potential: The Science of Achievi
Adam Grant
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Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know (Unabridged)
Adam Grant
Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things (Unabridged)
Adam Grant
Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success (Unabridged)
Adam Grant
Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World (Unabridged)
Adam Grant
Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy (Unabridged)
Sheryl Sandberg & Adam Grant
Piénsalo otra vez
Adam Grant
Summary of Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy
Sheryl Sandberg, Adam Grant & FlashBooks
The Gift Inside the Box (Unabridged)
Adam Grant & Allison Sweet Grant
Dar y recibir : "Por qué ayudar a los demás conduce al éxito (A Revolutionary Approach to Success)"
Adam Grant
Think Again – Die Kraft des flexiblen Denkens
Adam Grant
Leif and the Fall (Unabridged)
Allison Sweet Grant & Adam Grant
Potencial oculto: Como extrair o melhor de você e dos outros (Unabridged)
Adam Grant
Opcja B: Jak radzić sobie z traumą po stracie, stawić czoła trudnościom i odzyskać radość życia (How to deal with the trauma of loss, face adversity, and regain the joy in life)
Sheryl Sandberg & Adam Grant
Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know
Adam Grant
Hidden Potential – Die Wissenschaft des Erfolgs
Adam Grant
Potencial oculto
Adam Grant
Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success
Adam Grant
Think again (version française)
Adam Grant
HBR's 10 Must Reads 2017 : The Definitive Management Ideas of the Year from Harvard Business Review (HBR's 10 Must Reads)
Clayton M. Christensen, Vijay Govindarajan, Adam Grant, Harvard Business Review & Thomas H. Davenport
Geben und Nehmen
Adam Grant
Osez sortir du rang !
Adam Grant