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  • Great 1st book in a new series

    By B-Walla
    Greyson's Doom is the first book in a new series and beautifully sets the scene of a futuristic life on board the Endurance, a ship traveling through space on a 1,000 year voyage to a new habitable planet as Earth is no longer hospitable. Although this is a science fiction story, I found I didn't have to suspend reality to get absorbed in this book. I kept coming up with conspiracy theories trying to guess the outcome of the main problem in the book. Without giving anything away, I thought that the artificial intelligence created the 'issue' in order to fulfill its own statistical prophecy. I was wrong. Though I thought the ending was a tad anticlimactic, it was a wonderfully written introduction to a futuristic reality and I can't wait to delve in to the next book.