The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy is an 1860 work on the Italian Renaissance by Swiss historian Jacob Burckhardt. Together with his History of the Renaissance in Italy (1867) it is counted among the classics of Renaissance historiography.
Tacitus, Leopold von Ranke, Theodor Mommsen, Herodot, Thukydides, Titus Livius, Sueton, Jacob Burckhardt, Niccolò Machiavelli, Ricarda Huch, Thomas Carlyle, Egon Friedell & Felix Salten
Jacob Burckhardt, Giorgio Vasari, Herman Grimm, Karl Storck, Philipp Spitta, Marie Lipsius, Ludwig Nohl, Stefan Zweig, Hugo Ball, Rudolf Köpke, Konrad Alberti & Hanns Heinz Ewers
Jacob Burckhardt, Giorgio Vasari, Willy Pastor, Herman Grimm, Karl Storck, Philipp Spitta, Marie Lipsius, Ludwig Nohl, Stefan Zweig, Hugo Ball & Rudolf Köpke