All-in-One  Anatomy Exam Review:   Volume 7 - Carlos A. Suárez-Quian

All-in-One Anatomy Exam Review: Volume 7

By Carlos A. Suárez-Quian

  • Release Date: 2017-03-16
  • Genre: MZGenre.Textbooks


The All-in-One is a brief, but comprehensive, region-based atlas. The All-in-One is an identification-type question tutorial to master reiterative skills. The All-in-One is a complex-type question and answer tutorial to serve as a board-type question review. Each volume includes the anatomy you need to quickly and efficiently review structures and concepts of an anatomical region to prepare for written and practical exams in the anatomy course designed for health professional students, especially medical students. A six chapter  includes text and audio. The audio narratives provide a convenient review for some students when they can use their ears and not their eyes, such as while they are driving or exercising. We have made these narratives interactive in that in addition to providing anatomical information, we ask many questions pausing after each to allow the listening student to formulate answers in their mind.