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  • Astonishing

    By kemayam_
    as someone who is a college student, living alone, in my 20s and has been struggling with having the right mindset to accomplish my goals, this book really put a lot of my own thoughts and things that i’ve been going through into a certain perspective. it really taught me to see the good in what i’m doing and that i will accomplish my goals as long as acknowledge that most of what i am going through is only temporary and will take me to where i want to go, it is whether or not i continue to work or give up on my self. this is a really inspiring book and will definitely read again.
  • One of the best books I’ve read

    By Cureña7
    What an amazing book I couldn’t stop reading it. Books like this one should be teaching at every school for the kids at young age, so they have an idea about the importance of reading and making decisions.
  • Worth the read

    By Marrkx
  • W

    By ggtdb ye e forest
  • Stay Motivated & Reach Your Goals

    By diamonlady612
  • Good

    By Sana5555
    Good read
  • Short Guide on Motivation 5/5

    By FIfA Player SD
    Great reminder on what we are worth and what we can achieve once we begin to believe in ourselves and remain disciplined and willing to learn and adapt constantly throughout our journey.
  • Worth the time

    By ziiooen
    It was a great book
  • Encouraging

    By Jewelz644
    I loved reading this book. It’s a blue print to help change your mind frame about achieving success. So many encouraging tips! I’m going to read it over and over again
  • Good

    By KEARRA__
    This book definitely tells you the motivation you need to be successful. It’s a mindset that needs to think, breathe, feel and be successful.