Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again - Cullen Bunn

Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again

By Cullen Bunn

  • Release Date: 2017-11-22
  • Genre: Graphic Novels
Score: 4
From 75 Ratings


Collecting Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again #1-5. The writer and artist of the original slaughterfest reunite! Prepare for an all-new, all-different tale of death and destruction starring the Merc With A Mouth! You won't believe your eyes when Deadpool kills the entire Marvel Universe...again!


  • Not what I was hopping for

    By BryanSChen
    I mean yea it’s just a slaughter but it’s a very boring read. The way Deadpool kills the super hero’s is no different if it was an average joe playing dress up. They don’t showcase any powers of whoever he is killing and the whole book feels stale and unimaginative
  • Wat again

    By anymonoes
    Why is this also a thing
  • Maaa

    By hayhay15325