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  • Great book

    By obiwan07
    John Bunyan describes his journey to faith and the glory of knowing we have the righteousness of Christ. Once we understand how we are forever loved, it opens a true window of joy. We only need to believe that Jesus died for us.
  • Not Bunyan’s Work!

    By Sicardimenian
    It is completely re-written. The editor assumes that reader is so imbecile and slothful as if he were not able to comprehend and were not willing to study the authentic work of the original author. Shame on him whoever has altered the text!
  • The True Christian

    By jameyer1
    John Bunyan wrote the truth in his books. Today we live the watered down Christian life. It unacceptable. The way is narrow & the road is hard.
  • Great book!!!

    By DestroyerOfNarwhals
    Really needed this during this time in my life. Almost gives me the chills at certain points (how Bunyan explains personal attacks of the enemy).
  • Good book

    By KivenBlack
    Pretty good book
  • Nice book

    By Mo_dancer
    Just fished. And I’m going to re read. I can totally relate to this book. I feel the lord lead me to it to understand what’s going on in my mind warfare. This book really hit home to me. A must read for anyone. Especially if your going through any level of mind or spiritual warfare 👍🏿👍🏿
  • One of the best autobiographies you will ever read ..

    By davidiskandar
    If I say that this is a great book it will not be sufficient for it but it’s really a great autobiography into Bunyan’s life, struggles and prison! He has been honest in this book to share his struggles and unbelief at times as well as he was bold to proclaim the Gospel and glories of Christ.