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  • Ppl

    By Jewelthecat134
    I don't understand. Why do ppl hate that girls can like girls and boys can like boys?? It werid. They think " oh it's unnatural and bad for kids ooooh" Now ur hating on korra. Wow. Just wow. Ppl are INSANE. But overall I like Korra. 😄
  • I loved it!

    By Bankuu21
    Can’t wait to see this as a tv show!
  • Love the Korra continuation!

    By Sasasaam
    Loving the graphic novel continuation!! I so appreciate their handling of the LGBTQ themes (ignore the homophobic trolls -_-) and I love that the writing is so contiguous with the original series. I can instantly hear all of the character’s voices in my head whenever they speak - the character writing is dead on. I like but don’t completely adore the art. But my one complaint really is the villain, who isn’t particularly interesting especially compared to other villains in the series. He’s pretty flat and uninspired.
  • Stupendous

    By Garrus Vakarian12
    I loved this part! Great action, tense moments, and Korra has to try do what's right. However it's not easy as things spiral out of control and it's proving too much to control.
  • I loved this book so much!

    By cat99food
    I was very exited to see that there was more than just the tv show and that there are books it’s so interesting to read and i could not stop reading the Korra books it is so fun for me. Highly recommend if u liked the tv show “The legend of Korra”
  • Stop your dumb crap!

    By Whisperstone
    You ruined Korra by making her Gay. You pushed to far with that. Gay is evil. It is sinful and you flaunt it like it’s something to be proud of. No wonder God has poured horrible diseases on Gay people. You should have stuck with Mako or another cute guy, but Asomi? Yuck. That crap is making me start to hate our society. Stop it. You’re making kids fall for sin. Kids!? What are you going to do next? Support Abortion!? Help kill babies!? BABIES!! Sorry if I’m dramatic, I’ve been arguing with Gay people for a while. SIGH. Your making it worst. Repent, before it’s to late and you end up in hell before you realize your mistakes.
  • The legend of korra turf wars part two

    By really2525
    Seriously really good I love avatar the last airbender comics and legend of korra

    By unicorn toots
    The Korrasami goals we’ve all been waiting for 😂
  • Awesome!

    By M4RDZ
    I love the Legend of Korra tv series and I love the Turf Wars books as well! This is a great extension from Turf Wars Part One, Korra continues to get support from her friends in her new relationship with Asami and it's absolutely wonderful! Korra and Asami being together is by far my favorite thing about these series. This story not only captures Korras battles and victories but also her friends, as they face new threats and challenges. I cant wait for Turf Wars Part Three!