Raspberry Pi 3 - Jeremy Li

Raspberry Pi 3

By Jeremy Li

  • Release Date: 2018-01-15
  • Genre: Computers


Raspberry Pi 3User Guide to Help You Get the Most Out of Your Raspberry Pi 3

Have some Raspberry Pi! No, of course, we're not talking about dessert. We're talking about Raspberry Pi, the ongoing, ever evolving microcomputer project that's putting computers into the hands of developing countries and young people to teach them the importance and possibilities of programming. What can you do with Raspberry Pi, you ask? What can't you do with Raspberry Pi would be the far better question. Endlessly adaptable and continually improving, this inexpensive and handy little module is being modified and integrated the world over to pretty much every sort of project imaginable. Did you know Raspberry Pi is being used to stand up computer labs in West Africa? Did you know that you can use it to create interactive machines, video game consoles, motion sensors, and internet controlled robots? Basically, you can do anything with it! Or at least you can do anything that with it that you can do with a regular computer. The only limit is your imagination…and your ability to understand the Python programming language. And, well, you're on your own there, but we CAN and WILL tell you all about Raspberry Pi and how to use it. So, pull up a chair and have a slice! Some of the topics we'll be covering include: 

• What is Raspberry Pi?• The History • The Specs of Raspberry Pi• What Can You Do with Raspberry Pi?• How can you do these things with Raspberry Pi?• What Can You Definitely Not Do With Raspberry Pi (Yet)?