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  • wow

    By arkansas441
    changes the way you think
  • Best book I’ve read all year

    By Estella_ bre
    True and inspiring, worth the read!
  • Great book, everyone should read!

    By PaulinaCazarez
    amazing, you cant stop reading
  • So tough so raw

    By Turbolover1993
    Highly recommended! His life story is beautiful and his way of thinking is fascinating.
  • Fantastic book

    By bearsbeatbattlestargalatica
    While going through a hard time in my life, the book has given me motivation and practical ways to live a more fulfilling life. Stay hard, believe, never quit…
  • Wow, just wow.

    By Smilesaam
    One of my top fave 5 books. A must read motivating book.
  • Amazing

    By gegarciad
    Words can’t describe what this book did to me. Stay Hard.
  • Mental Therapy

    By liloochiecoochie
    Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins was an incredible book that gave me a powerful blueprint for leveling up in life, especially when dealing with setbacks and failures. Goggins’ journey and mentality really opened my eyes to the idea that embracing discomfort and pushing beyond perceived limits can lead to real transformation. It’s more than just a motivational read—it challenges you to examine your own weaknesses and shows how to use those experiences as fuel for growth. The concept of mastering your mind and using discipline to push through obstacles really resonated with me and has had a lasting impact.
  • Never too late

    By Chinmyoozik
    David’s book came to me at the perfect time. I am recovering from a back injury and retraining my body to do the things it used to do. Starting from scratch is tough, especially when mentally you know you can do things your body just can’t quite yet. This book lit a fire and I’m more determined than ever to get back to where I was. Mental toughness is the name of the game. His perspective on life in general should be shared with every high school age kid.
  • Great Accomplishments

    By HealingPlantLife
    Amazing stories that are super motivating! 👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾 I look forward to reading your next book too.