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    By DeSimone
    Truly an amazing book. Tells us all about our feeling that we may not have even known about. A MUST read book for anyone.
  • Great book! Lots of important life messages.

    By Coralyangafs
    I got this book after I heard her TED talk, which is absolutely amazing. I wanted to learn more about what she has to say so got the book and read it. It is filled with examples, stories, and also theories that are very easy to digest. Everybody, esp parents, teachers and coaches should read this book.
  • Highly recommended

    By Rfrnr
    This book offers great tools on building shame resilliance and how to determine if we are in the presence of a shaming event or situation. I think that once you can determine you are feeling shame, there is a higher chance you can go through and not feel bad about it.
  • I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn't)

    By Angelndallas
    Words fail me to describe the enormity of the impact that this book has on me. A must read for women and men.