Great read
By Soithinkicandance
Very detailed. This novel was a long read for a short book. The story was great! Such a surprise ending
By Aidenstar
The way the author goes in to the most intricate detail in describing even the most mundane is absolutely breathtaking. I am in love with this book. I read it over and over again.
First book I’ve read from this author. ..amazing.
By Kat (atonic)
Kim Edwards is brilliant with her words, spinning an amazingly intricate and heartfelt story. Hard to read the last couple of pages…eyes kept filling with tears. Beautiful. Simply beautiful. I wanted more…but realized it was just right.
This will not be the last book I read from Kim Edwards!
Thank you.
Kat V
The memory keepers daughter
By gss48
A wonderful read. Couldn’t put it down. The ending was very satisfying.
The Memory Keepers Daughter
By BubbaGB
The details of Kim Edwards writing draws you right into the story as if you’re there watching the events in person. Loved it.
The Memory Keepers Daughter by Kim Edwards
By SolitaryWoman
Profound. Unique. Powerful. Poignant. Magnificent. Enjoy!
Sophomoric & overwritten
By Lenox252
Sophomoric & overwritten , plus every character & every event is detailed to death. The 1-star rating is for the one character that was interesting. The rest aren’t even likable or relatable. I honestly can’t believe the editors allowed this book to be put into print. It’s by far, one of the worst I’ve ever wasted my time on. Skip it!!
Time will tell
By Denlap3
This was an emotional story about life and the rippling affect choices make on the lives of others. Although I did not agree with the choice of the father, I can understand it. I have 3 children, two of which have developmental delays. The days are wonderful and hard at the same time. When my daughter is old enough to have children I wonder if she will have parallelizing fear of having her own children or if she will be able to accept fate knowing there is a strong possibility her child could have the same challenges. Time will tell.
By sjanern
A riveting and unexpected story that intertwines the realities of choices made that cannot be unmade. Consequences of one man’s choice that affected the lives of many, lived out over a quarter century.
Don't waste your time
By MrKingBeef