By Moixten2
Which one could be intriguing or interesting but honestly as you the reader it makes stop an wonder also question your train of thought.
Cool read !
By camyaw
So far so good !
Just about to make time to read
By Trainer-BigAl
Considering That when I was taking psychology classes my first year of college, I admit that his clinical methods when attempting to heal his patients where not only limited but unorthodox for today’s methods.
Nevertheless we all have to agree that no one was making an effort for patients with major mental illnesses. So perhaps if it wasn’t for Dr. Freud we might be in the dark ages today. When it comes to laying down the basic fundamentals that are still used in clinical psychology to this day. I say he definitely was a pioneer. I am still curious about Apple Books version and how in depth the book is?
By ghsjksjdjsksj
This book reads like you did drugs and got hit by a truck. Can’t say I hate it but it’s not good.
Jjjj m
By m innero
F j b jo u
By Caine1013
Great book
Junk Theory
By Daddy's Clouds
Freud’s psychobabble has been thoroughly discredited, especially now with all of the advancements achieved in the scientific study of the human brain and how it works. You should read this only for entertainment value, and it doesn’t possess very much of that.
Enjoyed reading Freud ,because he is one of the best psychologists .
By Celestrail
The book has a lot of insight and information that people can use to decipher there dreams .
By umwait
This guys has problems
Lost interest
By Brooklynlv3
I lost interest in this books after a few pages it felt like it was rehearsing the same thing over and over without actually getting to the point read for yourself