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  • Helpful

    By teacher 😊
    Very helpful book for therapist
  • Read it

    By Roo444
    Very enlightening. I needed to read this
  • Excellent reading

    By Aivilo89
    It has been a huge relief for me to read this book and understand so many things. Truly life changing for me
  • Ok

    By AudJane23
    I found it informative but there’s alot of scenarios and examples, didn’t need so many. Would like more practice steps on how to become secure as an anxious. Currently single so can’t practice ! lol
  • This is a

    By TheSchmeckles
    Good book
  • If you want to understand yourself and others… this is THE book!

    By Elle Bana
    Humans have different ways to connect with others, based on their childhood, relationship dynamics between their parents, and other experiences. This is the book to read if you want to understand whether you and others avoid connection, feel anxious when developing relationships with others, or have a secure mechanism do develop healthy relationships. I really like how the authors provide exercises to identify areas of improvement.
  • Very practical and informative

    By MikeFlowtown
    This was an excellent read. Not many books out there that are so forthcoming with data. Attached can be the difference maker in all relationships in your life.
  • Attachment fundamentals

    By sasffvvd
    This is a really good book that is easy to read and well structured. I learned about myself and others attachment styles that have helped me understand the various relationships I had in the past as well with current situations.
  • Good reads

    By Hummingbird494
    Very helpful book.
  • Amazing

    By Michaelangelo
    I always knew what was bothering me, I could see habits in my relationship but never understood why.. I knew it wasn’t the petty surface items that was so easy to pick a fight over. This book puts words to thoughts and doesn’t sugar coat anything. Saved me hundreds in therapy!