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  • Honest and Real

    By Nova79
    Appreciated how honest, direct, real and supportive the author is. Eye opening perspective on how to approach writing that makes it enjoyable and helps remove the burden of crazy expectations.
  • Tells It Like It Is.

    By tcstaffordd
    Tells you very frankly her experiences with the publishing world and woes of writing. The author shares what being a dedicated writer is like day in and day out… and the joys and challenges and setbacks and all. This book is a pleasure to read and does contain useful tips for curious writers. Anne Lamott will make you laugh while leaving you with helpful writing gems.
  • For all creatives- a fabulous rule book

    By Linda Mitchell Art
    As a fellow creative (artist), I found this book spot on as to why we spend our days alone in a room trying to connect with the rest of the world. So brilliantly funny and helpful and very entertaining.
  • Bird by Bird and Why to Fly

    By madskilllz16
    I’ve written for years about what I thought would be important to me. Songs, poems, short stories, and essays of all types... but when I read this book, Anne gave me, and thus my writing, an identity that I could stand by and be proud of, albeit if only in my mind. She codifies purpose in a writers heart, mind, and soul through a brilliant my tapestry of deeply woven ideas.
  • Grateful for this book.

    By Chickenbird2000
    I’ve been half committed to being a writer for the past few years. This book provided me with plenty of practical ideas, but even more it inspired me to dedicate myself to writing every day by reminding me of the value writing can add to a life and the world. I really appreciate the authors gentle, humorous, direct approach. Great read!
  • I am rating this book

    By sopheliabestship
    It was pretty ok
  • Very helpful!!!!

    By ImAndi2
    I had to read parts of this book for a writing class. I think this is the only reason why i passed. I have a writing phobia and whenever i have to write any thing i reread this if i get stuck. Heck... Lamott is so entertaining I even reread some parts of the book in my free time. Its good stuff.
  • THANKS , I NEEDED that!

    By sharpasabubble
    Yes, I take myself too seriously. Nearly daily I am severely wounded by humiliations, oversights and requests so demeaning my work days feel like a slow, numbing painful death by a thousand cuts. For the last few days, I have guiltily snuck my iPad out during my lunch hour and buried my face into the world of Anne Lamott. It has been a tonic — a terrific, uplifting, reviving experience. She is so transparent and THERE, these lunch meetings feel as if I've been dining with a dear friend. I definitely feel better... and, oh yeah - I"m writing again too. Not out of vengeance (quite yet) but out of a sense of survival. (I feel a sly smile twisting up the corners of my mouth - this tells me the vengeance is coming...) Feeling insecure? Read this. Feeling stuck? Read this. Not feeling anything.... Definitely read this. It may even remind you how to chuckle. (It may even cause you to blast iced tea out your nose and feel triumphant about it.) I am giving away copies like a zealot.