Towards Mechanized Mathematical Assistants - Manuel Kauers, Manfred Kerber, Robert Miner & Wolfgang Windsteiger

Towards Mechanized Mathematical Assistants

By Manuel Kauers, Manfred Kerber, Robert Miner & Wolfgang Windsteiger

  • Release Date: 2007-08-15
  • Genre: Mathematics


This volume contains the collected contributions of two conferences, Calcu- mus2007andMKM2007.Calculemus2007wasthe14thinaseriesofconferences dedicated to the integration of computer algebra systems (CAS) and automated deduction systems (ADS). MKM 2007 was the sixth International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, an emerging interdisciplinary ?eld of research in the intersection of mathematics, computer science, library s- ence, and scienti?c publishing. Both conferences aimed to provide mechanized mathematical assistants. Although the two conferences have separate communities and separate foci, there is a signi?cant overlap in the interests in building mechanized mathem- ical assistants. For this reason it was decided to collocate the two events in 2007 for the ?rst time, at RISC in Hagenberg, Austria. The number and quality of the submissions show that this was a good decision. While the proceedings are shared, the submission process was separate. The responsibility for acc- tance/rejection rests completely with the two separate Program Committees. By this collocation we made a contribution against the fragmentation of communities which work on di?erent aspects of di?erent independent branches, traditional branches (e.g., computer algebra and theorem proving), as well as newly emerging ones (on user interfaces, knowledge management, theory exp- ration, etc.). This will also facilitate the development of integrated mechanized mathematical assistants that will be routinely used by mathematicians, c- puter scientists, and engineers in their every-day business.