This is the biography of Lucretia Borgia. It explores the History of Borgia as well as introduces the ancient history of customs and mores of Italian courts of the Renaissance.
Emil Ludwig, Fritz Mauthner, Ferdinand Gregorovius, Gertrude Aretz, Stefan Zweig, Albrecht Thoma, Franz Schauerte, Alexandre Dumas, Hermann Baeblich, George Sand, Enrique Gómez Carrillo & Franz Hessel
Alexandre Dumas, Stefan Zweig, Albrecht Thoma, Gertrude Aretz, Ferdinand Gregorovius, Emil Ludwig, Fritz Mauthner, George Sand, Enrique Gómez Carrillo, Franz Hessel, Magnus Jacob Crusenstolpe, Konrad Alberti, Eduard Duller & Sophie Hoechstetter
Stefan Zweig, Alexandre Dumas, Emil Ludwig, Fritz Mauthner, Ferdinand Gregorovius, Gertrude Aretz, Franz Hessel, Enrique Gómez Carrillo, George Sand, Albrecht Thoma, Franz Schauerte, Konrad Alberti & Sophie Hoechstetter