A Picnic at Belle's - Monica Dinh

A Picnic at Belle's

By Monica Dinh

  • Release Date: 2012-07-20
  • Genre: Education
Score: 4
From 1,310 Ratings


This is a delightful book for children to enjoy reading.  

Beautiful crisp images fill the page tell a story about Belle, a pink bunny living in Polkadot Town.

This e-book was especially designed for Ipad's Ibook with searchable text useful for other features in Ibook such as "copy, define and search".

Children will enjoy choosing this book from their virtual bookshelf.


  • Good book

    By ovanina
    Excellent book for my daughter to practice in her process of learning to read. This book is very good for object recognition and socialization
  • Miss spelled words

    By 1flem
    It was a nice book to read to my 5 year old grandson. But there were two miss spelled words in the book. First miss spelled word was favorite. Book has it spelled favourite. Second miss spelled word on same page color. Book spelled it colour. Other then that is was a good story but I would not want my grandson to read the book and think this is the right spelling.
  • Nice Story

    By iToriLovesPink
    I like the bunny and reindeer and fox. The story was fun to read. - 8 year old.
  • Bella Makes my Grand Daughter Happy

    By Basic English Rosary
    Bella has friends and her friends bring her nice presents. Bella makes her friends happy and feel welcome at the picnic. My granddaughter likes to turn the pages. This is her first electronic book.
  • Caregiver

    By NikWil1
    The story was about a bunny was so nice to her five friends.
  • Good

    By graceruby🕸🦇🐜🦉
    I am 12 and this is my favorite book.
  • Pink vs. Purple

    By book5.24.18
    Pink and purple appear to mixed up on the visual
  • Amazing!!!

    By Cwick50
    It's amazing becuse my baby cousin loves it and so do I it's a great book for baby's to learn and to read!!
  • A picnic at Bella's

    By Conventionary wipes
    This book it stupid. Stop writing books. You 💩
  • Nat

    By Natnatnat1111111
    My baby girl likes this story tooo much... Searching for more of this type stories