Craig Johnson’s Walt Longmire
By Barb19512!
Craig Johnson with Henry is to the Wyoming Rockies as Randy Wayne White with Tomlinson is to The Gulf Coast of Southwest Florida. Love them both.
A Serpents Tooth
By Hook45612
I enjoyed the book. I think a better name for the book would have been “ Sharp is the Knife “ or “ The Sharp Edge of Religion “. The “ungrateful child” has a small role in this book( never appears), and yet the title leads the reader to think otherwise.
A Serpent
By Mom-Mimi
I just keep on reading…Walt and I have become great friends and I don’t want these Longmire books to end!
Love The Longmire Series
By moms5262
Always exciting right to the end. Always engaging. Can't wait to start a new adventure with Walt. Keep 'em coming, Mr. Johnson!
The worst Longmire yet.
By Floydmann
Johnson decided to eliminate two interesting characters and give us instead a double dose of the foul-mouthed female love interest and an unending serving of how sexy Longmire finds her four word sentences featuring the word "fu-k". This is a particularly unfortunate trade-off because it's combined with a meandering, far-fetched plot and lack-luster action and way too much dialogue like "Boy howdy!"
Pretty good
By Royalcee
It was a good book however not at the level of the last one. Still worth reading though.