Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook - Gary Vaynerchuk

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook

By Gary Vaynerchuk

  • Release Date: 2013-11-26
  • Genre: Marketing & Sales
Score: 4.5
From 216 Ratings


New York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk shares hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition. A mash-up of the best elements of Crush It! and The Thank You Economy with a fresh spin, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is a blueprint to social media marketing strategies that really works. 

When managers and marketers outline their social media strategies, they plan for the “right hook”—their next sale or campaign that’s going to knock out the competition. Even companies committed to jabbing—patiently engaging with customers to build the relationships crucial to successful social media campaigns—want to land the punch that will take down their opponent or their customer’s resistance in one blow. Right hooks convert traffic to sales and easily show results. Except when they don’t.

Thanks to massive change and proliferation in social media platforms, the winning combination of jabs and right hooks is different now. Vaynerchuk shows that while communication is still key, context matters more than ever. It’s not just about developing high-quality content, but developing high-quality content perfectly adapted to specific social media platforms and mobile devices—content tailor-made for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Tumblr.


  • Worth the read

    By its_all_good_
    Although the book is several years old, it is still relevant today and probably continue to be. Jab, jab, jab, jab, and jab some more. 👍🏼
  • Just a bunch of rambling

    By Djohnson2921
    Sorry Gary.
  • Awesome read!!

    By Cmur771177
    This book is amazing! Gary Vee has an awesome way of telling it like it is! So much value in here! Check out his podcasts and make sure you follow his channels!!
  • It would have been better 3yrs ago

    By Maxit Flowers
    Great read. But social media is hard to keep up with and much of this book is already irrelevant to someone who keeps up with everything social media related. If you need to catch up, this book is for you!
  • Need a audio version

    By Rohlfsen
    Please get the audio out!
  • How does this only have 106 reviews?

    By Blackclown
    Lurkers, get typing and offer reviews here. Can't really rate the book yet as I just, ten seconds ago bought it, but I'm sure if it's as helpful as Crush It! Was, it'll be a 10 out of 5 stars and worth twice, no twenty times, what I just paid for it.
  • a must read ( like his last 2 books)

    By Tony Caruso (Centro medico UMA
    gary vaynerchuk is quite amazing, if u r working for a company , are a business person, or if u r senior level management in a public company( u have a fiduciary responsibility ) you should consume gary’s content (most of which is free) even the individual is the c.e.o of his o her life. the best business info anywhere. i run two small companies a medical clinic in milan italy and a small fund. time is of most value. this is my first ever review ever. gary has giving me so much value, so i am giving my review and time..u have to consume gary’s content, the ROI (return on investment).. is off the charts.. kindest regards tony caruso Centro medico uma
  • About Gary Vaynerchuk

    By Bebe Bruce
    Gary Vaynerchuk is a Master Marketer with social media. But moreover, behind this character's huge success and multi-million dollar companies is an honest, genuine, and personable individual. And this, my friends, is multi-refreshing, making his business a knock out; standing out and above an over saturated, recycled, ever changing, frenzy of global marketers.
  • Valuable book

    By Andrew Sudiswa
    If you want to receive information that delivers unbelievable value then you must get this book.
  • Amazing!

    By Erik Thebeau (The HootBox)
    We're in the process of launching a startup and this book has helped us in our marketing efforts every step of the way. We don't have much to spend on ad words or traditional marketing, so this book has been instrumental for us in finding our sweet spot in the digital marketing world. Thanks Gary.