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  • WHY

    By Alexis call me lex
    It’s very poorly put together it repeats the same riddles sometimes and is just eek I don’t recommend and there’s to sets of answers DONT DOWNLOAD
  • Very poorly put together

    By fr hi Dr if fhrnr
    This "book" is just a randomly compiled list of questions. There are many repeats and so many of these aren't even riddles. I know this is free so you aren't losing anything by getting it but save your storage space and your time.
  • Ugh

    By Pokemon Master 207
    Some riddles are good, but there is so many spelling mistakes and wrong punctuation you can’t even tell what they are saying.
  • Review

    By elena.m.g.
    Got a lot of spelling and grammar wrong. The author also repeated a lot of riddles up to like 10 times. Other than that, there were some really good riddles in there.
  • Typos and poor answers

    By Amanda43
    Lost respect before I even got to the tenth riddle. Too many typos in the riddles and extremely poor answers for some. I would rather have 10 quality riddles than 8,000 lame ones.
  • no

    By GaySylveon
    this isn’t 6000+ riddles, thus is 50 riddles and 100 jokes, repeated AGAIN AGAIN AND AGAIN!!
  • terrible

    By djtjdjsjvhl
    bad grammar and repeats jokes, also racist because it said tie a shoelace around chinese people’s eyes and it is a blindfold. Just terrible
  • No, just no

    By All teacher
    I take this book personally insulting in some spots. I do not recommend this book to anyone or anything. Do not read. If you read, well, I warned you. I find 171 especially insulting to blonde people.
  • Meh

    By JamboJemboJimboJomboJumbo
    It had too many repeats of the same riddles
  • Junk!

    By sureshbp
    Just very poor riddles in bad English and repeated 10 times each!