A God Connected Life
By Read alot Kelley
Detailed biography of an intelligent, learned, devout man of courage and conviction. The book primarily explores deep Christian thought and the evangelical church within WW II Germany. German efforts to assassinate Hitler and preserve Germany as well as the Godless evil of the SS give true context to an extraordinary man.
A finally crafted gem
By Matthew Libby
Despite the length, the writing is powerful and one immediately gets a sense of restraint. Herein is the life of one the best men to live in the 20th century, presented, not from a particular view or angle but left to simply speak for itself. The authors craft was like that of a jeweler who carefully cuts and polishes in order to show the true beauty of the gem inside. A true masterwork and one which, I am sure, will affect me profoundly for years to come.
Simply fantastic
By Aeromarc1
I learned much from this man and the book’s author about how to live as a Christian in increasingly hostile (towards Christianity) modern times. Every emotion is fully felt by the reader, though hope and peace always remain.
True selfless human being
By Gregdog24
A must read, if you wish learn about faith.
Must read!
By Amac5280
Excellent book about an amazing life! In today's world of shallow celebrity, (more people probably know who Kim Kardashian is than Bonhoeffer), it's nourishment for the soul to read about a life lived with courage and purpose and in deliberate obedience to God.
Worth the time
By Plengym
Exhaustively detailed, this is worth all the time you will devote to reading.
Bonhoeffer - Changer of Men
By St3vieB
This book is a life changer. Many Christians go around thinking that their walk with Jesus is going good; but the passion, the grace, the devotion, the discipline, the LOVE of Detreich Bonhoeffer eminating out of these pages toward God and people is unsurpassed. He did what the Word of God says, he did what he preached, he loved people unconditionally, even in the worst imaginable conditions. Even to the unbeliever of Christ, this book will change your life forever, as it had mine.
By Jim Habern
An outstanding book of work. Meticulously researched and mesmerizing. What an amazing man.