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  • Hero of humanity

    By Ken人人人
    It is a fantastic lifelong story of Tesla. Without him, we don’t have our modernizing civilization. Thanks Sean to write this book.
  • Very interesting

    By LeeLee Appletini
    He was a brilliant man who envisioned things the small, greedy humans did not deserve!! The world owed him so much and he was willing to give his inventions for free and was taken advantage of! Good read!!
  • Tesla

    By jimmy1800
    Tesla was simple but rich !!
  • High Praise for Sean Patrick’s Nicola Tesla

    By Beariff
    Sean Patrick has streamlined the definition of genius into relatable and intuitive characteristics that every person possesses and can fully develop through the inspiring tragic telling of Nicola Tesla’s relentless, imaginative, and creative pursuit of electricity. Patrick asks, “How will you tackle problems faced by your predecessors, and what will you do that they didn’t? When will your eureka moments strike? “A genius answers those questions audaciously and lavishly. She dares to imagine everything and anything as possible, and carries our culture to worlds that never were. You can do the same.” Excerpt From Nikola Tesla bySean Patrick
  • Very good

    By jdfhjek
    I really liked that it does talk a lot about Tesla himself instead of just focusing on how you can be more creative
  • Quick informative read

    By I am shattered
    Such a small book I finished in just a day. Like a capsule, gives information about Nicolai Tesla.
  • Very good

    By BFB Army Army 1
    I like how it went so deep on how you can achieve your goals
  • A new path

    By desirahhhh
    It’s scary how relevant his struggles are today.
  • Great Book

    By LahOtux
    Learned a lot from it
  • Short and sweet

    By MariV.G19
    The length is pretty short, wish it could go more in depth about Tesla and his inventions. Nonetheless, the author can paint with his words.