21 works of Algernon Charles Swinburne
English poet, playwright, novelist, and critic (1837-1909)
This ebook presents a collection of 21 works of Algernon Charles Swinburne. A dynamic table of contents allows you to jump directly to the work selected.
Table of Contents:
- A Century of Roundels
- A Channel Passage and Other Poems
- A Dark Month
- A Midsummer Holiday and Other Poems
- Astrophel and Other Poems
- Atalanta in Calydon
- Chastelard
- Erechtheus
- Locrine
- Poems ad Ballads Volume III
- Poems and Ballads
- Rosamund Queen of the Lombards
- Songs Before Sunrise
- Studies in Song Volume V
- Studies in Song
- The Age of Shakespeare
- The Duke of Gandia
- The Heptalogia
- The Tale of Balen
- Two Nations
- William Blake