The War of Art - Steven Pressfield & Shawn Coyne

The War of Art

By Steven Pressfield & Shawn Coyne

  • Release Date: 2013-04-27
  • Genre: Self-Improvement
Score: 4.5
From 1,565 Ratings


"…the most important book you've never read: The War of Art." -- Seth Godin
The Art of War meets The Artist's Way in this profoundly inspiring, no-nonsense guide to overcoming creative blocks of every kind. Bestselling author Steven Pressfield shows readers how to identify, defeat, and unlock the inner barriers to creativity.
"Amazingly cogent and smart on the psychology of creation." -- Jay McInerney


  • Hope

    By Narrow path Paver
    Read it til the end or don’t .. i overcame the war and hope was on the other side of pg 158
  • Necessary

    By Hatesignins
    Great book of universal and internal truths. Recommend for current and aspiring creators
  • One of my favorites

    By SamDeen45
    Read this book and get to work!
  • I love it

    By 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯
    I cry like 10 times when i was reading it, great book
  • Inaccurate and harmful

    By Scaryytino
    To claim ADD, Seasonal Affect Disorder, and Social Anxiety are not real is harmful and flat out wrong. The author is not a doctor and should not be stating what are or aren’t actual medically diagnosable things. 0 stars.
  • Great

    By napoleónicas
    Great book.
  • Weak

    By Poeyoyo
    I wanted to feel inspired or motivated but walking away at the end this book changed nothing. Instead I found myself questioning the terrible anecdotes and quotable excerpts. The writing distracted from the message and the constant reference to God and Angels really took away from the point of each story. There were some good takes on time and space but overall I did not enjoy this book.
  • Thought provoking read, few minor issues

    By yellomelo
    I picked up this book, and was curious if it would guide me through my own creative blocks. While there were wonderfully written passages that makes me want to get up and get to doing what the author preaches, I was turned off by the religious tone near the end. I did appreciate his input to try to think of these religious affected parts in other ways. In addition to that: considering that this book was published in early 2000s, I was not a fan of how the author portrayed the bit about dealing with depression as something trivial. This is something to keep in mind if you decide to take this book’s words to heart in your own journey to conquering your own creative blocks. Other than these bits, this book is definitely worth the read to reframe your own mindset.
  • Thought provoking and reflective

    By andezzz999
    When I picked up this book the impression I had was it was strictly for artists or writers but as I continue to read it I realize it applies to so much more than just the arts. There are insights here that can be applied to many facets of our life. Many great takeaways. The way the book is constructed you could pick it up read a few pages put it down but you always come back. I think this will be one that I will reference periodically and continue to get wisdom and insight from.
  • Concise and to the point.

    By GJ Mina
    That is one book to get you going when you need that little push. Thanks for being the medium Steven.