Learn Spanish: Spanish for Kids. Bilingual Book in English and Spanish: Monkey - Mono. - Colin Hann

Learn Spanish: Spanish for Kids. Bilingual Book in English and Spanish: Monkey - Mono.

By Colin Hann

  • Release Date: 2013-04-22
  • Genre: Spanish Language Studies


This illustrated story has been designed for bilingual children and others wishing to read a parallel text in English and Spanish. For ease of understanding, the languages are displayed together just one or two sentences at a time.
The aim was to make translation as direct as possible but always using everyday language of native speakers.

Excerpt from the story—
"Monkeys can swing from trees by their tails," the sisters told the other plants.
—Los monos pueden columpiarse en los árboles con su cola —dijeron las hermanas a las demás plantas.
When Monkey curled his tail round a branch of the old oak tree, the whole tree shook. Monkey was so strong that, when he rubbed against the tree trunk, little birds flew out of the tree in fright.
Cuando mono enroscó su cola alrededor de una rama del viejo roble, todo el árbol crujió. Mono era tan fuerte que cuando se frotó contra el tronco del árbol, pequeños pájaros salieron volando asustados.