A new roadmap for life, drawing on the timeless wisdom of Chinese medicine and philosophy
At the age of twenty-seven, Gerad suffered a life-altering breakdown. When conventional treatments failed to help, he sought an alternative solution and immersed himself in the teachings of ancient Chinese philosophy and acupuncture. According to this system of medicine, we are all made up of five elements. When they are in balance, we thrive; when they are not, chaos ensues, and symptoms emerge as distress signals. Sceptical at first, but desperate to feel well, Gerad took a leap of faith - one that was to open his eyes to a new way of being.
In this remarkable book, Gerad, now a master in Five Element acupuncture, recounts the stories of ten patients who, like him, were searching for a way to heal themselves. Allowing us to sit in on their therapy sessions, he explores their extraordinarily varied and complex life experiences, and challenges all our modern assumptions about what it takes to find happiness and fulfilment.
These fascinating case studies explain the very essence of what is to be human - loves and losses, struggles and triumphs - and offer a transformative path to healing and renewal.