The war in Ukraine has surpassed the predictions of countless analysts and armchair generals since it began in February 2022. The steadfastness and effectiveness of Ukrainian defense efforts have prompted political leaders and defense planners in East Asia to re-evaluate many assumptions that previously guided their regional policy, especially regarding tensions in the Taiwan Strait. While the threat of armed attack by the People's Republic of China (PRC) had long been seen as a vague possibility, many believed that in the postmodern era, territorial aggression between sovereign countries belonged to the past. Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine exposed the fallacy of this belief. Consequently, plans and preparations for a potential attack on Taiwan by a similarly assertive leader like China's Xi Jinping have now been prioritized and addressed with renewed urgency. Japan, second only to Taiwan in vulnerability, faces significant risks to the geopolitical stability of the region should such an event occur. Given the heightened stakes, analysts and planners in East Asia must take a sober look at the situation and develop innovative strategies to ensure an effective defense — recognized as the most potent deterrent against potential Taiwan contingencies. This book examines these issues from various angles, emphasizing the critical need for proactive measures. In this compelling analysis, the authors of the chapters delve into the unexpected and prolonged conflict in Ukraine, a war that has reverberated through global geopolitical thought. The resilience of Ukraine's defense forces has necessitated a critical reassessment in East Asia, particularly concerning longstanding tensions in the Taiwan Strait. The stakes are higher than ever, making an effective defense the key to deterring future geopolitical challenges in the region. This book scrutinizes the situation from diverse perspectives, emphasizing the imperative for East Asian analysts and planners to develop innovative solutions to safeguard against potential Taiwan contingencies. Contents: Establishing Japan–Taiwan Military Ties: A Legal Breakthrough (Masahiro Matsumura) Changes in Japan's Strategic Views on the Taiwan Emergency and Its Implications for Japan–Taiwan Relations (Sadamasa Oue) Establishing Military Cooperation Between Taiwan and Japan: Policy Suggestions and Problems (Kuo Tzu-Yung) Russia–China Entente and the Challenge to East Asian Security (Michał Lubina) An Evolving Approach Toward Japan–Taiwan Security and Defense Coordination (Hon-min Yau) Is a Taiwan Crisis Also a Japan Crisis? Japan's Complicated Security Laws (Takeuchi Toshitaka) Placating China is a Losing Game: Regional Security at Risk Without Taiwan–Japan Mutual Defense (Dean Karalekas) Unprecedented Danger: Japanese Visions of Taiwan's Ordeal and the Role of Deterrence (Alexandre Calvo) Air Superiority: The Critical Element for Denying a PLA Invasion of Taiwan (Sadamasa Oue) Prescribing Taiwan's Submarine and Mine Acquisition Policy: A Japanese Perspective (Masahiro Matsumura) Evaluating Taiwan's Defense Strategy in a Time of Uncertainty: Diversified Challenges and Dilemma of Responses (Hon-min Yau) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: The Answer for Taiwan's Defense Capability Build-up (Takeuchi Toshitaka) Readership: Academicians, researchers, and students working on strategic studies, especially Southeast Asia's security. Policymakers, security analysts, government officials, investors, and other practitioners working on geopolitics of Asia–Pacific. Key Features: This volume is a collaborative effort between the Taiwan Center for Security Studies and St. Andrew's University in Osaka, Japan Unlike many English-language volumes that focus primarily on a US-centered viewpoint, this volume fills the gap by examining perspectives from Taiwan, Japan, and other stakeholders