What Did Jesus Really Mean When He Said Follow Me? - David Platt

What Did Jesus Really Mean When He Said Follow Me?

By David Platt

  • Release Date: 2013-11-01
  • Genre: Christianity
Score: 4.5
From 67 Ratings


You may think you are a Christian—but are you sure?

Jesus’ call to follow him is more than an invitation to pray a prayer. It is a summons to lose your life and find new life and ultimate joy in him. In David Platt’s book Follow Me: A Call to Die. A Call to Live he asks the question, “What did Jesus really mean when he said, ‘Follow me’?” What if we really listened to Jesus’ words and heard what he is saying? When people truly engage with Jesus’ personal invitation to follow him, everything changes, for he is worthy of all our trust and affections.

What Did Jesus Really Mean When He Said Follow Me? builds on the message of Follow Me to motivate readers to experience our grand purpose: to exalt the glory of God by spreading Christ’s gospel—to make disciples who are making disciples. This booklet is a great resource to share with others to discuss crucial faith questions in a personal and grace-filled manner and engage others to be disciple-makers in obedience to Jesus. Ideal for small groups or personal and mass evangelism, this pamphlet covers:

• The issue of sin
• The role of the church in a Christian’s transformation
• The importance of spreading the gospel and making new disciples

David Platt, author of Radical and Counter Culture, helps you examine your life according to the biblical standard and discover what it truly means to live for Christ.


  • Excellent summary

    By Talent33
    A very good summary of the full Follow Me book. David's teachings are powerful. I will use this as a resource to share with others.
  • Wonderful!!

    By Belizaj
    What a great pamphlet to bring Christians and those who are searching, back to the heart of what being a Christian really ought to be; and has to be if you want to walk in true victory. Not just being a surface Christian-operating on our so call good deeds; in or out of church-trying to earn our way to heaven or secretly just wanting to get the praise of man. Thank you for this truth filled booklet. I pray all who read it will feel it's antiseptic power and renew their strength in the Lord, and pick up your cross and demand your true life in Christ Jesus. Please share this with the people who God allows to be or come through your lives!