Wavelets - Charles K. Chui


By Charles K. Chui

  • Release Date: 2012-12-02
  • Genre: Programming


<b>Wavelets: A Tutorial in Theory and Applications</b> is the second volume in the new series WAVELET ANALYSIS AND ITS APPLICATIONS. As a companion to the first volume in this series, this volume covers several of the most important areas in wavelets, ranging from the development of the basic theory such as construction and analysis of wavelet bases to an introduction of some of the key applications, including Mallat's local wavelet maxima technique in second generation image coding. A fairly extensive bibliography is also included in this volume.<br><br>Key Features<br>* Covers several of the most important areas in wavelets, ranging from the development of the basic theory, such as:<br>* Construction and analysis of wavelet bases, and<br>* Introduction of some of the key applications, including Mallat's local wavelet maxima technique in second generation image coding<br>* Extensive bibliography is also included in this volume<br>* Companion to the first volume in this series, An Introduction to Wavelets, and can be used as supplementary instructional material for a two-semester course on wavelet analysis