Did You Hear The One About...? - Ali Colon, Alexis Colon, Cody Fausnight, Pam Pirogowicz & Jonathan Smith

Did You Hear The One About...?

By Ali Colon, Alexis Colon, Cody Fausnight, Pam Pirogowicz & Jonathan Smith

  • Release Date: 2014-10-03
  • Genre: Humor
Score: 3.5
From 6 Ratings


Did You Hear the One About....? is a joke book created by Alliance Middle School students to showcase their targeted speech therapy goals in a humorous manner.  Students are able to "see how they sound" (developing self-monitoring skills) while having fun practicing their speech and producing a product for the world to enjoy.  We hope you enjoy the book as much as we do.


  • Corny, but funny!

    By AFE48
    The jokes were corny, but funny. Great job, guys!