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  • Keeps up the pace with with the Extreme Risk Series

    By KPMe1
    This series just gets better and better. I was completely hooked with the first two books in this series and the third was just as good. This book really struck a chord with the best friends to lovers story line. Throw in some family drama and life long friends and you have a heartwarming, funny, thoughtful and provocative book that takes you through the gambit of emotions. Out of all of the characters I was really drawn to these two, both for their individual personalities and for the potential they brought together. You don't have to be an extreme sports fan to really get dragged into this story. Although we get to see some of that world what we really get to see is a world full of love, friendship and hope. The Luc and Cam come from different world but neither is perfect or really happy. In Cam's case we get to see the family dynamics of loving brothers and a father that did the best that he could. With Luc, we get to see a cold and lonely world for someone to grow up in. They both have to work hard to overcome the obstacles in their personal lives but they have their friendships and also each other to help them grow and deal with the lives they are given. I can't say strongly enough how much I'm hooked on this series and can't wait for more!
  • Can Stand Alone, but Better if Read in Order

    By Unbound Passion
    ** Provided by Netgalley in Exchange for an Honest Review ** -- MY THOUGHTS > Judging a Book by it's Cover: Colors, pose and expression lend to a moody, broody atmosphere. There's a strange highlighted section on his abs that distracts in a not-so pleasant way. The synopsis is a little confusing, so I'm hoping the story will read cleaner than the blurb. Looking Deeper: As noted in book details, this is the third book in the series. This is obvious and evident by the history the characters already have together, but it tries to highlight past events in a way so you don't feel lost. Unfortunately, you still feel that there was much more to those important events than what was barely glanced over. The book is written in an alternating, first-person POV between Cam and Luc. Luc's been in love with Cam since they were teenagers. Cam was in lust with Z, until Ophelia came along and she saw how happy O made Z. Cam and Luc are best friends, but the friendship is strained and tested over a drunken one-nighter together months ago. They try to rekindle or repair their relationship, but communication is terrible between them. Neither ever tells the other what they are feeling or thinking, causing miscommunications and way more conflicts than necessary. The plot is filled with friendship and plenty of drama that comes along with it. While the writing style is excellent and the sex scenes are hot, the overall inability of the main characters to maturely handle conflicts throughout the story became a bit annoying and tiresome. Predictability was average, no fun surprises. The conclusion is abrupt, leaving the reader wondering what happened after June. I believe it could have greatly benefited from an epilogue. Overall, it is a pretty quick read with a promising plot. Perhaps I would have enjoyed it more if I'd read the other two books first and got to know them from the beginning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heat Level: 4 [R] ~ Score: 3.7 ~ Stars: 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------