Jesus and the Church [2015] - Ave Maria Press

Jesus and the Church [2015]

By Ave Maria Press

  • Release Date: 2015-01-20
  • Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Score: 2.5
From 131 Ratings


Students deepen their understanding of Jesus Christ, the fullness of God’s Revelation, as they encounter him in the living Body of Christ, the Catholic Church. This textbook supports Course IV of the USCCB Curriculum Framework.

Jesus and the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic supports Course IV of the USCCB curriculum and is the first high school textbook released by Ave Maria Press in its new Encountering Jesus series. As they engage with the content of this text, students will recognize Christ present and active in their lives through the visible and vibrant mission of Church, defined by her four characteristics—one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.

While Jesus and the Church places the foundations of the Church in their historical and scriptural context, the textbook goes further by guiding students to recognize the sacred nature of the Church and engaging them to more actively participate in the living Body of Christ and serve as witnesses to the sacred Gospel in the world today.
Simply put, the goal of the book—as in the Encountering Jesus series as a whole—is to change the lives of students by making real-life connections between what they are learning about the Church and how they encounter Jesus in the contemporary world.

Developed in collaboration with experts in theology, catechesis, and pedagogy, Jesus and the Church includes a number of new features as part of an innovative design, including: 

Chapter Focus Questions:  Each chapter’s main idea is posed as a question to the student to provide a broader context in which new ideas can be integrated and understood. Infographics: A wide variety of visual and interactive designs throughout the text help students understand theological concepts in ways they will remember. Currents Events: Each chapter opens with a story from the contemporary world that teens can relate to their own lives.  Educational Photos: Images throughout the text have been carefully chosen not only to illustrate the chapter but for teachers and students to use as educational tools. Note-Taking Graphic Organizers: Designed to help students organize, summarize, and sequence the text, various types of organizers were customized for every section of the book. Section Assessments: Each section includes pedagogically designed assessment questions with labels that show how the questions serve a variety of different learning styles. Online Resources: As always, teachers can access a wide variety of online resources at the Ave Maria Press website, including videos, PowerPoints, handouts, crossword puzzles, reading guides, and tests.

(© 2015) The Subcommittee on the Catechism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has found that this catechetical high school text is in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and fulfills the requirements of Course IV of the Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for the Development of Catechetical Materials for Young People of High School Age.


  • Awesome sauce!!!!

    By Rlm1798
    I love this book so much it’s so good and makes me tingly in a very special way. 😘😩😘😍
  • Banger

    By Good
    This book is a banger, and I know bangers.
  • W

    By Dvoss987
    This book got me to pass theology 2!!!
  • number 1 bruh moment

    By skrimbimblioconoseur
    straight up made me an atheist. also called me stinky live on because i dont fit into american heteronormativity. there’s also the prolife section and the xenophobic section (the whole book). almost cant believe it isnt satire
  • Dog is on ceiling

    By aisu___
    After reading this my dog now walks on the ceiling. I also accidentally speak Hebrew sometimes.
  • no.

    By roostername
    this book makes me want to stab myself, take the knife out, heal the wound, stab myself again but in a different place, let it heal, reopen both wounds, pour crickets that i’ve fed 7 mg of caffeine each to, close the wounds, and let the crickets devour me so that my body can feel the same pain my mind felt after reading this,
  • Aliens

    By Pabbylo
    I was reading this book around 3:39 am while cooking some some pizza roles and a giant lobster broke my door down and chief keep started blasting through his shell. He came in, started cradling me like a baby and cleaned the kitchen while I ate my pizza rolls. After he finished he carried me outside and flew into the ocean with me and I met his wife and children. I then woke up and realized I had a divine intervention.
  • Dog ASMR

    By 197219275419724192754
    As a rising terrorist, this book has pushed me to do the final act. Thank you book for finally persuading me to carry out my mission. If you are looking to harm people, all you need to do is read this book.
  • Really good

    By Average Monkey Lover
  • i haven’t read the book yet

    By exxen_is_taken
    I’m just hopping on the train with more than half of the other reviewers. Also, every one of these books is extremely overpriced and we never seem to get through the whole thing in class.