Deacon - Kit Rocha


By Kit Rocha

  • Release Date: 2017-08-29
  • Genre: Romance
Score: 4.5
From 22 Ratings


Book #2 in explosive new series from bestselling author Kit Rocha...

Ana has trained most of her life to achieve one goal: to prove that anything men can do, she can do better. Now she’s Sector One’s first female Rider, and being the best is the only way to ensure she won’t be its last. Distractions aren’t allowed--especially not her painful attraction to the reserved but demanding leader whose stern, grumpy demeanor has already gotten into her head.

Deacon has spent the last twenty years trying to atone for his past, but the blood he spilled as a mercenary and assassin will never wash away entirely. If his riders knew the extent of his sins, he’d lose their trust and respect. It’s easier to keep them all at arm’s length, especially Ana. But his newest recruit’s stubbornness is starting to crack his defenses.

And their sparring matches are driving him wild.

The passion sparking between them can’t be denied, but neither can the vengeance barreling toward Deacon. When his old squad comes back to punish him for his betrayal, Ana and the Riders are squarely in the line of fire. The only way to save his people may be to make the ultimate sacrifice. 

But first, he has to convince Ana not to follow him straight into hell.

Praise for Gideon’s Riders

“There’s a lot riding on Ashwin, a lot expected of the first novel in a new series by a popular author that makes it a tricky, tight rope to walk. Kit Rocha deftly skips down that line with skill, respect, crushing emotions, and breath-taking imagination.” — Heroes & Heartbreakers

“Ashwin gives readers a seemingly impossible romance while continuing to entice readers to join them in this new world that celebrates love, laughter, and life.” — Smexybooks

“For me this first book in the new series was just as consuming and addicting as its predecessors. I’m so ready for what comes next. Deacon? Deacon and Ana? Yes, please. Gimme.” — FictionVixen


  • Deeper into sector one and I am unexpectedly in love again...

    By Missloopylulu
    Honestly, I never thought I would love sector one... but the Kit Rocha team excels at character development in a way that I cannot resist. The world's are built in such a way that I can't help but want to keep exploring! Deacon brings us further into the plot, as the sectors try to rebuild after the war. There are inevitable grabs for power, revenge, and secrets from the past coming to rock the current world. Deacon and Ana are Riders... they are not supposed to form permanent romantic connections with people outside of their circle, as they already have one foot in the grave... and within the group still holds its own set of complications. Not to mention the weight of the hopes, dreams, and safety of others that they both carry on their shoulders... but love finds a way... love and some very intense sexual energy. This book is incredibly sexy, as they all are in these series, but it is also a story that is impossible to put down! They have me hooked for sure! 💗
  • Deacon and Ana Dominate

    By Dawn McLean
    I Loved Deacon! This is the second book of this series. Being one of Gideon's Riders would be tough emotionally and physically! Being the only Girl would even harder. Ana pulls it off Beautifully but she knows she can always be better. She feels the scrutiny from all directions and knows she can't fail! Deacon is the Leader of the Riders and has been for 20 years. He will have to face his past and tell the other Riders why. Will they still want to follow him? This book has it all: action, suspense, drama, and lots of Naughty! I have to admit I cried. You need to read Deacon! Another awesome book from Kit!! ;)
  • I am absolutely in love with Gideon's Riders.

    By rholub
    WOW!!! I am absolutely in love with Gideon's Riders. The Riders are just as diverse and interesting as anyone we met in Sector Four. And I can see myself falling in love over and over again, just as I did with every single hero and heroine in the Beyond series! Deacon is the leader of the Riders and he's as tough as they come. But he has secrets, and when those secrets come to light he thinks everything he has fought for over the past 20 years will be gone. It takes Ana to show him that the faith his Riders have in him is stronger than those secrets can ever be. And along the way, Deacon and Ana find so much more. The Riders know that every day could be their last. They are okay with that because theirs is a higher calling. There are rules about creating bonds, but maybe it's time for those rules to change. Maybe the Riders need more than just their faith and the devotion of the people to keep them strong. Are the people of Sector One ready to let the protectors be more than just their heroes? Can the Riders have lives, and loves, of their own?