It Ends with Us - Colleen Hoover & Anna Gralak

It Ends with Us

By Colleen Hoover & Anna Gralak

  • Release Date: 2020-03-30
  • Genre: Erotica
Score: 3
From 50 Ratings


"It Ends with Us" autorstwa Colleen Hoover opowiada historię Lily Bloom, właścicielki nietypowej kwiaciarni dla tych… którzy nie lubią kwiatów. Poznaje ona przystojnego lekarza, Ryle'a Kincaida i zakochuje się w nim. Jednak za fasadą idealnego związku kryją się tajemnice, które tylko dawny przyjaciel Lily, Atlas Corrigan, potrafi dostrzec.

Powieść Colleen Hoover "It Ends with Us" zdobyła nagrodę czytelników Goodreads Choice Award w kategorii najlepszy romans w 2016 roku. "It Ends with Us" to poruszająca i osobista opowieść, która wzrusza czytelników do głębi i przypomina, że czasem osoby, które nas najmocniej kochają, mogą nas również najbardziej skrzywdzić.

Colleen Hoover "It Ends with Us" - ebook dostępny w Woblink

Pozostałe książki bestsellerowej autorki powieści z gatunku new adult, “Hopeless”, “Losing Hope”, “Maybe Someday”, “Ugly Love” i inne, znajdziecie w księgarnii internetowej Woblink w formie ebooka oraz książki papierowej.

NIESAMOWITA KSIĄŻKA. Pochłonęła mnie bez reszty. Wszystkie emocje przeżywałam razem z Lily. Współczułam, wzruszałam się i gniewałam. Coś pięknego.

Debora Biedowicz

NIEZWYKŁA HISTORIA. Bardzo spodobało mi się zakończenie: OPISUJE PRAWDZIWĄ MIŁOŚĆ. Czasami trzeba komuś pozwolić odejść, aby pokazać, jak bardzo nam na tym kimś zależy.

Edyta Mazur, @perfekcyjnie_zaczytana

MUST-READ. Powieść dla wszystkich kobiet i dla wszystkich mężczyzn. Lily Bloom to nowa Scarlett O’Hara. Dla niej przeczytam tę książkę jeszcze raz i jeszcze raz, i jeszcze raz…

Ola Adamska, Co czytać po Greyu?


  • Not in English !!!!

    By jdodnfkrnd
    So upset I bought this and can’t read it
  • Refund

    By WLC21
    I want a refund. This is in a different language.
  • Not happy

    By snowbunny948457384
    Forgot my paper copy and downloaded this book on a road trip. Nothing about the cover shows that it’s in a different language. I would like a refund
  • Great Book, Bad Reviews🙄

    By 8•Rae•8
    I’m not sure why everyone is giving one star because THEY got the wrong version…they made a mistake and although the title is in English as soon as you go to the sample it is very clear that it is in a different language. Please don’t give a book a lesser review because of your own misunderstanding and next time larks a closer look to make sure it’s the correct one. I clicked on this one because of the price being lower and saw it said (pl). I wasn’t sure what that meant so I looked at the reviews and sample so I went back to the correct one. Very good book, highly recommend!
  • Y’all gotta realize..

    By the alicorn gamer
    this books description is IN POLISH and it says “(pl)” meaning POLISH in the name maybe read more of it and read ratings don’t give the book a 1 star for your stupidity honestly
  • Not English

    By EmeraldCrowningshield
    I want a refund. It didn’t state that it was in another language. First one that popped up when searched.
  • Mistake 😭

    By pick up the beat
    I made a huge mistake and bought this in Polish.
  • annoyed

    By jbcsykmxhb
    everything about this book makes it seem like it’s in english & it’s not. i want a refund.
  • Interesting

    By Shanda😘
    Beautiful read
  • So much perspective.

    By PelicanFreak
    “His touch is everything I need and everything I shouldn’t.” This book! Yea, if you allow yourself to get lost it in, it might wreck you a couple times. I’m not new to Colleen Hoover but there was a certain circumstance (won’t tell you, no spoilers!) made me actually curse her out and hate her for a moment. Elicting those feelings is impressive enough of course. The writing’s also addictive and she did a great job setting the book in Boston, so mad props there. What I especially think is note-worthy is, like in other books, she has a way of putting things in perspective. Think anyone who stays in an abusive relationship is asking for it? Stupid? Bringing it on themselves? Think again. It’s really easy to judge when you aren’t actually in the sitation. This lends perspective - and a few different ones at that - to an important subject. Everyone should read this. It might just open your eyes and your mind. I don’t usually do this, even for Colleen but … 5 stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️