26 Years of Hell!! - Paul Green

26 Years of Hell!!

By Paul Green

  • Release Date: 2018-05-06
  • Genre: Self-Improvement


This book is a DRUG & ALCOHOL INTERVENTION book. Its purpose is to keep young people from becoming addicted to substances in the first place. Because once you're addicted, your life is literally ruined!!!

During his 26 years of addiction, or "26 Years of Hell", Paul has been in several HORRIFIC & DEADLY situations: he has been shot and shot at several times, beat up constantly, set up to be robbed by prostitutes, hospitalized several times, in and out of jails, and always in a homeless shelter. Paul checked himself into a RELIGIOUS homeless shelter where he resided for 17 months. He stayed sober, and became top Usher at a local Church. The question is "Will he stay out of trouble this time?"