Amidst the terrible chaos of a corrupted world spiraling out of control and towards its own self-destruction, some amazing changes are taking place.
As our companions struggle to cope with loss and make sense of what their bleak future holds, will they discover that there is Hope in the darkness? Is it possible, that against all reason, Hope has risen from the ashes and is somehow still alive?
Join us once again for another powerful, moving and emotional tale.
Note from Author: A funny thing happened while I was writing DRAGON RISING, this third book in the Dragon Legends series. The story swelled into a much broader story than I had anticipated. Primarily because of necessary character development. Therefore, since it is now too large to fit into a single volume, we have now evolved into a quadrilogy as opposed to a trilogy. I even had to create new covers for Books 3 & 4 to accommodate the split. But I'm glad it turned out this way, I have become very attached to these characters. And after reading this one, I hope you will feel the same. I imagine this is good news to all of my Dragon Legends fans; there will be a Book Four after this one.