Air Force Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures AFTTP 3-32.33 Volume 2 Expedient Roads, Drainage, and Protective Structures - United States Government, US Air Force

Air Force Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures AFTTP 3-32.33 Volume 2 Expedient Roads, Drainage, and Protective Structures

By United States Government, US Air Force

  • Release Date: 2021-05-12
  • Genre: Civil Engineering


This United States Air Force manual, Air Force Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures AFTTP 3-32.33 Volume 2 Expedient Roads, Drainage, and Protective Structures, addresses field expedient construction and repair methods for roads, drainages, and protective structures when time and materials are limited or when conventional methods are impractical to employ. Most of the highlighted construction methods involve expedient materials readily available at deployed locations (see paragraph 1.4 for a review of expedient construction materials). While using expedient construction methods during wartime and overseas contingency operations is common, some procedures may be applicable during disaster recovery operations when immediate action is necessary or resources are limited. The illustrations of basic material applications and proven field construction methods was compiled from multiple sources, including data from Department of Defense (DOD), Joint, and Service publications as well as Best Practices and Lessons Learned from AF Civil Engineers and US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Any data and procedures presented are general in nature and personnel should not consider it as mandatory guidance.