This manual, the United States Air Force Doctrine Publication AFDP 3-0.1 Command and Control January 2025, presents a comprehensive understanding of mission command as it is implemented through the framework of Centralized Command-Distributed Control-Decentralized Execution (CC-DC-DE). The implications of Distributed Control are a dominant focus of this publication and differentiate this revision from previous examinations of C2 in USAF doctrine. Until now, USAF C2 doctrine detailed the role of the commander, Air Force forces (COMAFFOR), discussed force presentation and command relationships (COMREL), and detailed the distinct roles and responsibilities of organizations within an air operations center (AOC). These topics are now addressed in AFDP 3-0, Operations, or remain in their respective tactical source documents. In their place, this document presents entirely new content to depict the C2 function through its major elements: a commander that makes decisions, the framework for authority delegation, the activities of the C2 process, and the systems that enable the direction of forces. By presenting C2 through this model, AFDP 3-0.1 forms a complete picture of mission command in action. It hones our understanding of Distributed Control by addressing the question, “What is distributed, to whom, and for what purpose?” Its answer: 1) authority, 2) subordinate commanders, and 3) to conduct the C2 process. This evolved approach to C2 is applicable to all USAF operations at every echelon of command.