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  • Worthwhile

    Only thing missing were two lines. “Hello there!” “I’ve gotta bad feeling about this.”
  • Shout out Ben

    Pretty cool wish it had more action tho
  • Best StarvWars novel I’ve read

    By salsa474
    I bought this because it looked interesting. Who wouldn’t wonder what Obi Wans time on tatooine was like? This was a great story! I couldn’t put it down. It’s a ‘Star Wars western’ before the mandalorian came out. I’ve heard Disney is going to do a Kenobi series or movie, and I really hope this story is the basis for it!
  • Kenobi.

    By palmreaderA17
    One of the finest novels ever written. Sci-Fi or not. This takes back to a very small story where a deeply grieving Obi-Wan is settling in on Tatooine. It’s very much like Pale Rider. If you love the EU then you should love this book as much as I do.
  • Great Story

    By iiBluestorm
    I enjoyed the story very much and Obi Wan grows attached to a Tatooine woman but he knows he cannot and I don't want to spoil anything so Im just going to say that. It's great if your wondering what Obi Wan did while waiting for Luke to grow up. Great story.
  • Kenobi

    By Memetic
    Ho hum
  • A great story for Obi-Wan

    By bassynater2500
    A fantastic book, dipping into details of Tatooine and its inhabitants nicely at a pace that leaves you content and long enough in the universe. The character development was good and delevered a great climax. I was skeptic, wanting to know more of what happened to Obi-Wan after the events of Episode III and how he had to hold his choices from the past and hide for his future. I’d recommend to anyone interested in Star Wars EU
  • Amazing

    By Mcmikefresh
    I loved this book, Kenobi is a great read.
  • You’ll feel like a citizen of Tatooine (spoiler-free review)

    By Charizard4Prez
    When Kenobi was announced, I was uninterested. A book about a depressed man stranded in a desert didn’t appeal to my particular taste. I was sure that it would be a book for some people, such as big Obi-Wan fans, but that it was a Star Wars book I could pass on. I felt that if I didn’t read it, I couldn’t be missing much–after all, I knew that Ben would still be right there on Tatooine in A New Hope. So for years, I said, “Cool cover, but I’ll skip this one.” But I was very wrong. I couldn’t be more pleasantly surprised with how much fun this was to read. The recipe: Turn a great author like John Jackson Miller loose with a complex Legacy character like Ben Kenobi on a planet rich with Star Wars lore. Allow the author to further flesh out that setting and character with original characters and plot. The result: A character-driven, emotionally-charged adventure where the reader can actually feel the sand of Tatooine, hear the Krayt dragon call, and see the setting twin suns upon the man we’ve known and loved for decades. (Ok, I listened to the audiobook so I could literally hear the sounds and the music, but I think the point still stands about the text.) One of the things that this particular novel has going for it is its accessibility. Even if a reader has little to no knowledge of Star Wars beyond having seen the films, Kenobi is one that is both readable and enjoyable. This book will make you love reading Star Wars books, and remind the long-time reader why we read in the first place. All that being said, there are many more Star Wars books that rank higher on my personal list. Some fans might want more lightsabers, space battles, Sith Lords, or Skywalkers and Solos. But I can’t say that all Skywalker-Solo-Sith-spaceship books are as easy to hand off to a casual fan as is Kenobi. I hope for more books like this: great author, familiar setting, one film character supported by strong original characters, and a surprising plot. I’m glad that I was originally wrong about this one–Kenobi is not a book to pass on.
  • My favorite Star Wars book!

    By hi1234567890
    If you love obi wan then Kenobi is great! Honestly enjoyed this book. It keeps you super interested and gives you a glimpse of obi wan's life following the end of episode 3 which is a time that we know next to nothing of what obi wan was doing.