Major Disappointment
By SkiGrl-T
If Mr. Patterson wants to retire, he should just retire. Maxine Paetra is now resting on a lucrative partnership and isn't putting any real work into writing. Between the two of them they are just capitalizing on their names. This is a short story sold at the price of a novel. While I have loved the WMC series, the books have become so formulaic and predictable that they aren't worth the bother. There's nothing new or exciting here. There is nothing depth. Even the renewal of the relationship between Joe and Lindsay was a yawn fest. Come on guys. If you're going to charge me $12.99 for a book, put some effort into it. For now, I'm over you.
Good Book - Not Good Enough
By CoffeeismyJam
We anticipate that the next WMC book will be as good as the last. There are only a couple in the 16 books that have been "not as good" for me, as the rest, and this is one. I feel like I could tell when the other author was writing and to be honest the Terrorism stuff (this book and last) is a little unnecessary. I feel like I could have turned on the news for this story. I'd rather be entertained, not reminded. Maybe that was the point, I don't know, but I started reading these books for the fiction.
The secondary storyline was good. I feel like that one had a lot of potential.
16th Seduction
By Christopher Matthews Jackson
Weak plot and characters
Great new addition to the series!
By tdm72
I loved this book. Couldn't put it down!
Not bad
By Rnrvegas
In my opinion, this book carried on the characters well, but seem to stretch out the "situations". I will read the 17th one.
16th Seduction
By Mike Pekar
I love the Murder Club Series. Always great books well written wit twists and turns as all murder mystery novels should be. I still however can't figure how the title relates to the story.
16th Seduction
By Aeliz4421
I usually enjoy all that Patterson writes, especially the Woman's Murder Club series. However, the last two books in this series have been very disappointing and were definitely not Patterson's best work.
Not his best
By La Gato13
I usually love the women's murder club books and have read them all, the first part with Grant and his trial reminded me of a John Grisham book. The only part that was James Patterson was "the neddy storyline"
Worst reads?
By OTB !!!
I can't say it was the worst but it's close. If u you don't mind predictable plots and lackluster writing this book my be what you are looking for when reading. I was so disappointed that I almost didn't finish. I won't be reading anything soon by this pair soon.
16th Seduction
By Bbcutup
I enjoyed this 16th book and it kept me turning the pages.
It great when there's twists and turns and nothing lets you figure out The Who Done It's
Thank you for continually to produce great Books/Stories for me, I guess others too, to enjoy!!