Slower than other volumes
By choirnote63
Moved very slowly. No big buildup to ending like other books. Love the characters.
The Slog
By Ardor2167
The only book that has received lower than a 5.
Don’t waste your time
By johnsonjam02
If I quit this series this book will be the reason why. I am more than halfway through this book and nothing has happened.
This series needs 1,000 less characters.
Find a online summary of this book. Do not attempt to read.
A Bit Rambling
By HB Stucki
This installment meandered more than the previous. Large complex plot lines felt bogging down. However, the story is creeping forward, though didn’t feel like much happened. Just setting up for what comes next. Worth reading to get you to the next book.
Merrilin merrilin morillon murrilon myrillon
By uwwyuugfdyugeryuu
Merrilin morellin murillon meerolon mundelin names names! There are do many characters in this there’s NO WAY to keep track! My eyes glazed over more than once hearing another new name and detailed description of their mannerisms and style of dress. Of the series so far this is the most boring. That said, I’m looking forward to continuing the story.
Too much filler...
By 8bitme!
I've really enjoyed the entire series, but on this re-read I realize that this whole book is nothing but filler and fluff. Nothing much goes on in the story. Just a lot of dullness... Not my favorite in the series..
Slow, but necessary.
By MisterDaikon
You can only read so many chapters about Perrin & his people making camp in the snow, but not doing anything....yet... Before hour eyes glaze over. If Jordan was trying to make us feel his frustration at having to wait, he did a good job. There IS enough plot here though that continuity will suffer if don't read it tho.
By Pwolsey
Unless you are really into women evening against each other and what they are wearing today, this was extremely BORING. Too many characters to keep track of and no action at all. Not even any resolution at the end. No major event such as the other books had, like killing one of the forsaken, etc. A real este of time, and if you skip it and go straight to book 1/ you won't even know you missed a book.
By Dkindel
This is by far the slowest book of the series. It's not terrible but it just feels like nothing happens. The other books are wonderful though.