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  • By far the best so far

    By Student Doctor Dedrick
    Several very satisfying scenes: Egwene’s character development, Tam helping Casuane see herself for who she is, even Nynaeve is improving, and obviously Rand, at last drawing some meaning into the struggle. Not 100% but definitely rounds up to 5/5.
  • A lot more action

    By choirnote63
    Moved along faster and more action than the middle books.
  • Ugh

    By TigersJC86
    This book was a chore. So much bickering and very little plot movement until the very end. It felt like there was very little for the main cast of characters to do and a bunch of characters I didn’t care about.
  • Fantastic

    By Grimlander1
    Brandon Sanderson did a masterful job picking up the story and adding the best humor of any of the books along with a riveting and exciting storyline.
  • Excellent Installment

    By HB Stucki
    This book moves faster than the last and reminded me why I started reading the series in the first place. Important things happen and the story is moving to it’s climax. Recommended - and hold on to the end of the series. It’s worth it.
  • Revived the series

    By GnickolasCarlin
    So far, this is the best book in the series
  • Wheel of Time gets back on track.

    By Scrub Kai
    After a couple books where very little happened, the plot starts to take off again. The writing is clearly a different style then Robert Jordan’s, but seems to go well with the tone of the series.
  • The student has become the teacher...

    By jtmplumber
    This is the most emotionally engaging book of the series and my favorite because of it. No disrespect to Robert Jordan but Brandon Sanderson via Harriet saved this series. He was not only the right pick to write these books but an inspired pick. Jordan would be proud. The end is nigh...I now start the towers of midnight but will not forget this book or what it meant to the series and what it meant to me.
  • Great Story

    By IsEqualToKel
    Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson at their best.
  • Sanderson Picks Up The Story Without A Hitch

    By mvmcgee2112
    Brandon Sanderson had a daunting task when he took over the late Robert Jordan's epic Wheel of Time series. He has done a fantastic job of continuing the story. I'm not sure if it's his style or the fact that the story is ending, but this book moves at a much faster and more purposeful pace than many of its predecessors. He's done a fantastic job of keeping the imagery alive while also advancing the story. I think long-time fans of the series will appreciate its faster pace and the sheer amount of satisfying reveals and answered questions. The only criticisms I have are that it jumps around a little too often. Sometimes spending only one small chapter on one of the main characters before switching to another. Also, during these jumps the timelines of each character's story don't sync up as well as they have in past books. Even with these "flaws" though I still give it 5 stars because it's really a great addition to the saga. As the story is coming to its end, I'm bursting with anticipation to see how it all plays out. Yet, I'm also a bit sad knowing that it will end. Like a lot of fans I've been invested in this saga for almost 20 years! It's almost like saying goodbye to a dear dear friend.